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Who is IrloRurl?
Let us hear where ya live and something fun about it!
Currently, I live in the “Metaverse” because I spend most of my time online due to my remote job.(As Clifford mentions in his book, I think I plugged into the Matrix early and I like experimenting creating content using a Vtuber although I may throw the occasional IRL streams here and there, You can probably find me in Lauren’s chat hanging with Alexzandros, even if the stream is offline. I like to keep the tab open because I love keeping my streak on her stream, just in case she decides to randomly go live LUL.
I travel a lot and spend a lot of my time online. I love playing online games like Warzone and Fortnite (I hope Clifford doesn't read this, but one thing that got me hooked are the collabs and skins in that game 🙃).
If there was something positive that came out of the pandemic for me, it was switching to working online. Now, I have the opportunity to live anywhere in the world! You can find me IRL roaming the streets of Madrid, TJ, Arizona, Miami, Tokyo, and Vancouver. I'm trying to set up base in Tokyo, but not knowing the language well still has me doubting whether to stay there longer. Plus, the paperwork seems like a lot.
IrlOrUrl at the Tokyo Tower!
One of my recent and coolest finds: Tokyo : Has a very cool vintage toy store specializing in American toys in Harajuku which brought me a lot of nostalgia when I was there. Here is a link if anyone wants to check it out and some pics I took while there. :
When you were a kid, did you ever go play outside in the woods? My twin brother and I used to make forts and stuff out there!
Oh yes, all the time. I used to dirt bike as a kid, so I would spend a lot of time in the woods near the track. A fond memory I have is playing with my cousins and siblings, making mini castles out of mud and race tracks with branches and other materials. It kind of reminds me of designing a video game level, but in real life, lol. Those were the good ol' times!
What is something about yourself we would never expect? For example: Clifford loves tile lol
I love eating all sorts of dishes with beef tongue. I once was a vegan when younger so a bit controversial :0 OOP
Okay, tomorrow a helicopter will pick you up outside your house and bring you to an airport with a private jet to take you anywhere. Where would you go and why?
This is a good one! So realistically I would love to go Shenzen in China, I love tech and I watched a documentary that shows all the crazy stuff they are doing over there, and I wanna go to all the electronic markets and buy crazy gadgets I wonder if they have keyboard cases for iPhones or Android???, but unrealistically take me beyond the Antarctic conspiracy Ice Wall lol (ticktockers say there might be dragons 😍) I wanna pet one! 🐉
If you could pet and feed an animal you’ve never met before, what would it be?
I would love to pet an Elephant and ride one 🐘
Which celebrity would you swap lives with for a day?
I think I would enjoy trading places with Soulja Boy 💀🤡 I love how he infiltrates several industries and was one of the first rappers to use the internet to promote his music and stream on twitch and play games. I like that he mixes music and gaming.
What is a genre of tv/movies you enjoy most and give us examples of some good titles and reasons why?
Honestly, I used to love watching artsy underground movies, but for the last couple of years, I've preferred to watch vlogs and IRL content. I can say that one of my favourite films is "99 Francs." I always recommend that movie, but no one I ever recommend it to watches it. So if you are reading this, go watch that movie—I hope you enjoy it!
The only time I watch movies now is when a Discord server I'm in streams on Mondays. They show different genres, and sometimes I jump in and discover something amazing or something I will hate for the rest of my life. It's very hit and miss. One of the coolest finds we watched on Monday movie night in that Discord was "The Taste of Tea," a 2004 Japanese comedy-drama fantasy film written and directed by Katsuhito Ishii. It's described as a "surreal" version of Ingmar Bergman's "Fanny and Alexander."
Do you have any tattoos or piercings you’d like to share or what would be one you’d get if not?
I've really been thinking about dedicating a portion of my arm to gaming tattoos, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. If I get any new tats, I'll definitely share them in the Discord! Some franchises I'd like to get are Pokémon, Gears of War, Halo, Crash Bandicoot, Wario, Mario, Bomberman, Doom, and Metal Gear. There are tons more, which makes it really hard to decide what to get.
I was thinking of making a video game timeline of the most important games in my life, covering my full arm. But then I'd have to stop playing at some point if I ever run out of space 😆
Would you like to share with us a little about your job and what’s something you like about it?
Something I love about my job is that sometimes, on rare occasions, I get to help test mobile games. If I get lucky, I might receive a Steam code or help test PC games or do work related to certain gaming companies. I'm always trying to dig around to see if there is any gaming-related work I can help with 😝
Are you afraid of bugs, like would you pick up a creepy crawler in your bare hands?!
Yes, I especially hate cockroaches because no matter what city I visit, I always happen to spot one. No, I would never pick one up unless I really had to. 😤
Let’s just get this question out of the way because we are all wondering… where did your alias come from? What’s the meaning behind it? (So unique!)
So my username was created when the pandemic hit and the company I was working for laid off a lot of workers. I was lucky enough to find a remote desk job, and ever since, I've been spending so much time online. I started watching a lot of IRL content and channels, so I decided to name my channel IrlOrUrl. I was planning to make in-real-life content, and the URL part refers to the web part of our lives—like gaming, coding, or just creating stuff digitally and spending time online. I started to see the terms getting mixed a lot, so I embraced it.
Here is a funny interview I once made with a fellow vtuber in a roblox Gucci experience If you want to check it out : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1038258917?filter=highlights&sort=time
The cliché question but… what’s your favorite game of all time and what makes it so special to your heart?
I think my favorite game of all time has to be Wario Blast for the Game Boy because unconsciously it's probably what opened my mind to collaborations between intellectual properties (IPs) and is likely why I'm obsessed with crossovers and collabs. It was also the first game I ever remember playing on my own and feeling independent in solving a challenge without the help of my parents or siblings. Additionally, it showed me how power-ups and mechanics could enhance our imagination and creativity in solving puzzles in such an abstract way. It's mind-blowing to still think about it.
If you could get stuck in a middle seat on flight between 2 famous video game characters, who would they be and what would you talk to them about?
Snorlax, so if I ever fall asleep during the flight, I lay my head on the Poke 😝, and Solid Snake to talk about Patriot theories.
Have you ever raged so hard at a video game you broke a mouse/keyboard/headset or are you a pretty passive gamer?
The first game I remember that made me rage and break an N64 controller was Killer Instinct Gold. The AI in that game made me cry as a kid; it was so hard, lol. I tried to beat it when I was older, but I still couldn't. Also, that N64 joystick gave me blisters— f that controller
What’s a game you loved that was maybe not as popular or well known? (I loved Henry Hatsworth on the DS!)
Two games for the DS that I loved were SPRUNG and Rhythm Heaven. SPRUNG was the first dating simulator I ever tried, one summer when I was stuck at home as a teenager while all my friends were partying at some beach. I felt like a loser back then, but lowkey the scenarios were good practice for whenever I had to approach a girl I liked in real life and ask for her phone number or invite her on a date.
The other game I recommend is Rhythm Heaven (known as Rhythm Tengoku Gold in Japan). I loved how they explored so many ways to exploit and use the DS hardware while keeping you hooked with the rhythm.
Were you of a Mario or Sonic fan? Why?
I was a Mario fan until one day I was hanging out with an older kid who was the son of one of my mom's friends and was kind of rich. They had somehow travelled to Asia, and the kid was rocking a brand new Game Gear with Sonic. I begged my parents to get me one, but they repeatedly told me, 'You already have a Game Boy, it's the same.' Thanks to that, I've been lowkey obsessed with Sega and Sonic to this day. I'm still searching for a Game Gear in good condition.
If you could meet an anime or video game voice actor/actress, who would it be and what is your favorite line from them?
I love Trey Parker when he does Cartman
"No, Kitty, this is my pot pie!!!"
It’s the zombie apocalypse and you asked to camp near me for the night. I snoop in your satchel while you sleep… what kind of hoarding of items do I find? (For example: I would hoard eyeliner pencils!)
I already hoard external battery packs and gashapon keychains, so you would probably find that 🙃.
Do you floss before you brush, or brush before you floss? (KIDDING!) Once a dude actually used that as a pickup line to me at a bar, yikes! Can you write a pickup line for Mario to Peach?
I cheated for this one it was so hard I had to gpt it, I have no rizz in the gaming kingdom 💀💀 "Hey Peach, are you a Red Mushroom? Because every time I see you, my heart grows three sizes!”
Have you ever tried dnd before? Tell us about your latest character or give us a snippet of one you’d like to play!
The one time I played an intense campaign with a dungeon master, dice, and character sheets, it was a unique version of D&D where we played as vampires and werewolves. I don't really recall the rules, but it involved getting stronger with each full round. We had unexpected fights, and I remember losing to the dungeon master. Afterwards, we ordered two pizzas and never got the group back together. Sadge 😔
Smell: I'm addicted to the Abercrombie and Fitch stores smell I buy the Fierce cologne
WiFi Name: I love the Matrix so my large router is RedPill and my portable router is BluePill
Weather Season: Winter , I love the clothing and skiing
Kitchen Appliance: Portable French Press
Reality Show: Lego Masters
Soup: Miso
Shampoo: Loreal Professional - Lengths Renewing Shampoo
Marvel Character: Spider-Man
Childhood Board Game: Jumanji ! btw they just released a new version actually made out of wood just like in the movie
Type of Taco: Tongue Tacos forever
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