'Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do.' - Bob Ross
Hello! This first question might not come to a surprise because it is a bit basic/expected of a first question in an interview but… where are you from and where are you now? What is something you like from each place?
I am from Minnesota! I like the seasons, my family, and the people there. I am currently living in North Carolina, and I moved here mostly for work but I like that I get to see LAUREN in person whenever I can :) It also does not snow often here, so not having to shovel is a plus and I can garden almost year round!
Since I know you irl, I know you’re into art and oh so good at it! When is your first memory of getting into art and did you have any relatives with the same talent?
I think all my siblings are creative, or able to pick up things like that easily. I remember drawing at a young age and excelling at it. Even in elementary school it was always my favorite class cause I could just focus on getting better. I specifically remember drawing cute dogs themed after my friends and other things in elementary.
What type of art style is the one you enjoy most? Do you have any type you’ve never dabbled in that you’d want to one day? (Example: glass blowing)
I just did blacksmith at the ren faire! That was cool and would most def love to glass blow or try it out. I really enjoy water color and acrylic painting. I’ve turned to more digital art to hopefully get a job as a game industry artist one day. Its never to late to try something new, no matter your age!
If you were given a billboard to paint on, what would you want to share with the passerby’s?
Something inspiring or hopeful. Like a ‘dont give up’ message to others.
I know you’ve been a vegan for like what, a decade now? So I bet you have to get creative with food. Can you share a little bit about your journey making that commitment and your favorite recipe?
I’ve been mostly vegan for 12 years! I say mostly because no one is ever perfect and that is not the goal, just try to be your best and for me that is not eating or using animal products. I grew up in a hunting family so I’ve seen it all, and respect others' decisions as long as they are not wasteful and respect life. . I still can enjoy mac n cheese, pizza, and a good ol 'grilled cheese dipped in ketchup.. Hehe. One of my favorite and easiest thing to make vegan is soup! MMM good soup! Kale chips and banana bread are also good snacks and cheap to make. Just google vegan recipes and that's usually where i try to follow someone’s work and add to it as I go if needed.
Recently you’ve picked up a new hobby, one wheelin’! That’s so neat and unique. Tell us a little bit about your experience with cruising’ on one of those.
It is fun and I have not been out for a bit! I need to jump back on. Its really fun and engaging work out, especially in your feet. You are using muscles you otherwise don't use often so it takes some time to find your true balance. I am no speedster, I like to slow roll and enjoy the ride. I also painted it to look like one of the jeeps from Jurassic World!
One of the things I love about you is that you’re a huge animal lover like me! I want to applaud you for have fostering dogs in the past and also helping to raise money for a rescue with your live stream. Is there anything you can mention about how to get people more involved to donate to their local shelters or potentially talk them into fostering one day?
I really think if you and your family can try fostering once you’ll understand why it's so needed. Rescues will provide everything for the animal like food, vet bills, toys, esc.. And you are in charge of watching the pup and helping it be the best it can be outside of the shelter environment. Dogs that have fosters adjust way better to life after rescue. It can be tough and the most common thing I hear is ppl don’t want to foster because they’ll get attached.. While true, go into it with the goal of making sure this doggo finds their forever ppl, you are just the one who got to set them up for success! If you can't foster, most rescues always need help with social media posts, help at events like watching dogs and taking them potty, talking to ppl at rescue events and encouraging them to donate to the rescue, and donating supplies!
What’s a bucket list you hope to experience one day? I’ve always been wanted to catch a chicken, like in Zelda OoT! Lol
Bri’s Bucket List
• Scuba Dive (+ just snorkel more!)
• Do voice acting for a video game or show
• Try mocap or use it for animation
• My concept designs makes it into a game (creature or character)
• Live in another country (short term or long term?)
I think you’re really great at social media. I love the confidence and talent you share, it’s inspiring and gives off good vibes. What type of software do you use when drawing your digital art and for editing clips?
Software I use to draw is mostly clip studio paint on a microsoft surface pro.
Clipchamp is a great free program to make clips with and is on most PCs these days. Otherwise the instagram and tiktok app editing do just fine with some patience!
Free space! Let us know a little bit more about who you are here. A hobby we wouldn’t guess you have, experience you’ve had, fun fact about you… whatever!
• I like- I mean LOVE Pickles and green olives. YUM
• I’ve been in game dev mostly in QA for over 12+ years now, the first game I ever worked on was Transformers Fall of Cybertron in 2011-2012.
• I’ve been to almost all the PAXs at least once, minus PAX unplugged.
• I am a CA (conference associate) for GDC! I worked on the GDC floor in 2024 and applied to work again in 2025.
• I love working conventions and worked for Halo Outpost Discovery, Twitchcon for Sea of Thieves, PAXEast, and GDC.
• I recently picked up League of Legends again and have been playing that 😖
What was your first convention and what was the best highlight from it? Get any cool schwag you still have?
My first convention was PAX East in Boston in 2014. I have a Bastion Bandana, the invite card from the Riot ‘Get Jinxed party’ along with a dry erase marker from the wall they had for ppl to doodle on, a signed Teemo hat from finding the shrooms they hid around the convention floor, and I’m sure a few other things somewhere!
What/who inspired you to become a video game developer? (For example: I was playing Battle Tanx when I was a kid and my tank character clipped out the ground and I saw the game from outside the world, that’s when I knew I wanted to learn more of how games were made.)
I think kingdom hearts because it actually made me feel and cry at the end and I was like I wanna make stories like this for others to enjoy. OR Pokémon cause I would want to draw or make up my own Pokémon all the time. Also just the online and community part of video games is what keeps me in the industry, we are great and want to make great things!
Being a video game developer is a dream for many people. Can you share some ups and downs on being in the industry? Any tips on how to pursue that career?
Def have to get your foot in the door, may it be someone you know or going to school to get a leg up. The industry is hard right now, and always have an up to date resume. Look into what roles the industry has to offer, research them, and figure out where you would like to start. Always be open and willing to learn new things and new processes, you have to be fluid and flexible in this ever changing industry! Indie devs may be smaller but more likely a place to start before working at a AAA studio.
You’re such a wonderful cosplayer! Any dos and don’ts when it comes to technique/crafting? What is one you’re most proud of and what are you going to make next?
Barge! While hot glue is amazing barge is the strongest and most reliable glue for foam crafting. I am really bad at finishing projects but I got super close to finishing Zidane from FF9. I have to finish his blades and his shirt along with a stylize wig. ONE DAY! I would really love to a cosplay from League of Legends and have pieces for a Kait Diaz from Gears of War I’d love to do.
Leeloo from 5th Element
Zidane from Final Fantasy 9
I think it’s really adorable how you have a cubone tattoo! Tell us a little about some of your favorite nerdy tattoos. :) Will you get another and if yes, whatcha wanna get?
I have a whole sleeve dedicated to games! It has a cubone, 3 keyblades representing kingdom hears, halo, zelda, and gears of war. There is a nerdy star wars sun set along with meteors and stars.. And that is it so far. Currently I am working on a cover up on my right thigh/hip of a raptor!
I know you’re into live streaming on twitch. What games are you currently playing? Which ones do you look forward to?
Hopefully will have a ‘Return of the Bri’ in full force for 2025 and stream 3 days a week! But that's next Month. I am currently playing League of Legends, Little Nightmares 2, and looking to pick up something new.
Do you collect any nerdy things? What is your most prized possession?
I collect Gargoyles! I have 3 or 4 more on my list. I also collect pokemon cards from time to time. My most prized possession though, is the Fortnite x Metallica Vinyl I got for working on the Metallica Concert.
If you could co-op a game IRL with any video game character, who would it be and which game and why? Rule: the game can’t be the video game character’s game
Master Chief, and we’d play something like Palworld or a co-op survival game.
What game or series do you think I’ve spent the most time in? What is it about that game that drew you into it so much?
Probably Halo 3. I played it every day after school and late into the early morning. I just felt the want to get good at it, i watched MLG halo every weekend. It was just a fun online competitive game! Ark Survival is another game I have sank hours into. Taming dinos and animals while also surviving is right up my alley. Itches the want for adventure!
Being a fan of dinosaurs, do you ever read up on Paleontology or maybe in another life would work with that stuff? What dinosaur you think is the coolest?
I would love to have researched dinos, I think I still could! I love Jurassic Park and games like Ark.. but a lot of the dinos are so far off what they actually probably would be in real life. Did you know velociraptors are thought to be no bigger than a turkey or medium sized dog!?
I love Parasaurs! (like ducky from Land Before Time) and the Utah Raptor. Parasaurolophus are thought to have made sounds closer to a low air horn like sound. Other dinos most likely did not RAWR like in the movies, but closer to birds cooing but at lower frequencies, so we’d feel them in our chest!
Veggie: Cucumber
Candy: Sour Strips or Sour Patch (Extreme)(not the regular, EXTREME!)
Pokémon: Eevee -> Jolteon
Paint brush size: Small
Candle scent: I collect candles, this is hard! Pine for winter season so the house smells like pine trees, or a vanilla comfy scent, or lavender. I am looking forward to my new candles from Ashborne!
Artist: Old - Salvador Dali & New- Aaron Blaise (I’ve taken some of his classes, he was a previous disney artist and designed the Beast from Beauty and the Beast and worked on Brother Bear)
Cartoon character: Snoopy!
Kitchen product/tool: Blender for Smoothies!
Christmas song: What’s This?! (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Clothing brand: I don’t really buy for brand names, I actually prefer thrifting or remaking current clothes into something new!
Thankies for being a really wonderful friend and for taking the time to participate in this interview! <3