Twitter: L337Lauren
Instagram: L337Lauren
raptr: L337Lauren L337Lauren
xboxlive: L337Lauren
Origin: L337Lauren
Thingiverse: L337Lauren
PlayStation L337-Lauren
LoL: L337Lauren
Pinterest L337Lauren
Steam L337Lauren
Xfire: L337Lauren
Quakelive: L337Lauren
GuildWars: LeetLauren
Wildstar: LeetLauren
Blizzard: L337Lauren#1816
Crunchy Roll: L337Lauren
ESEA: L337Lauren
Special Links
GAEMS Systems (Portable Game Console Systems)
Bark Box (I get this box monthly for my dogs and they love it.
Astro Gaming (Professional + High Quality Headsets)
Gunnar Glasses (Glasses that helps gaming eye fatigue.)
Razer (Their Blade laptop is great for travel and running games.)
ASPCA (I love doggies and helping them!)
Child's Play Charity (I hope to have kids one day and love to help with sick kids when I can! My mom is a survivor of kid cancer.)
CliffyB! (I'm bias so I have to post this link.)
Pro At Cooking (Always thought this series was fun.)
id Software (My old job, always will love and support them.)
Rage Game (I am in the credits!!)
Double Fine Productions (Their games ROCK. I'm also listed in the credits of The Cave <3!)
Use the special offer code "L337" to receive a % off your purchase!