Oh hello there. You’ve made it to the place where L337Lauren interviews her community members! Enjoy! <3
Meet IrlOrUrl! We all know him. I was excited to finally learn more about someone who has been so supportive of our L337FL337 community for so long. ^_^ This guy loves travelling and you’ll never guess which celebrity he would swap lives with for a day! He shares some neat memories of old games and you gotta read the “pickup line for Mario to Peach!” haha. He likes to ski! We also share a big fear of cockroaches. ewww
(Press triangle 🛆 to get out of bed.) - GTA V
Meet my amazing and funny as heck mod, AtticusSage! I can’t believe he’s been skydiving, like WHAT?! And y’all would never guess what tattoo he has… ha! He also answers which Pokémon he would want to have in real life and live with him and it’s a cute one and so much more fun answers to my questions.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” - Somebody
Here it is… an interview with the one and only, the guy we all have seen in my chat and heard his voice in my games, the dude who keeps me in check with not buying more games than I can play, The_Mr_Shank! I’ve known this guy for like a decade and he still is a bit mysterious to me. So I tossed him some questions to learn a bit more about about him! He’s a loyal friend, caring moderator, and truly kick-ass at video games! And he likes donuts.
"The steps you take don't need to be big. They just need to take you in the right direction." - Jemma Simmons, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Meet Neo_182! I know you've seen him in my twitch chat and he is great at tossing those annoying stinky trolls in the trash. You've also seen him as tech support for us all in Discord and you've seen his name pop up in-game with me. I love that we share a strong mutual love for pups too! I'm thankful to have him as part of this community and honored to have him as a mod! I know we have known each other for many many years online, and finally, I got to learn a little bit more about him. For exmaple, he mentions his favorite food is pizza! Let him and all of us know what your favorite pizza toppings are too in the website comments or here or anywhere your heart desires! I'll start: extra cheese, black olives, and japapeños.
"Don't confuse kindness for weakness." - Al Capone
Meet Zaythar! She is a super sweet gal that loves to bake sweets! She's a dog owner and loves video games and reading!
"I comic, I game, I bake, I food, I read, I nerd." - Zaythar
I have known bunnyxablaze since Myspace days. She has always been a sweet girl who is basically another me when it comes to the love of gaming. Finally, I get to share her story with y'all.
"A self titled overachiever and a geek of all trades." - bunnyxablaze
Meet JK137. This is a long time dedicated follower who has been to my live chats and L337M337s. He's super nice and always has a good attitude which makes it fun to be in-game with him.
"I like games and loud music!" - JK137
Meet sandman420. Cliff & I noticed this guy right off the bat on twitter from his kind tweets to us over the years!
"A Gaming, anime watching, manga reading, TV and movie watching, cartoon watching, comic book loving, Heavy Metal listening, brony who has ADD, OCD, Tourette Syndrome and Aspergers Syndrome and also happens to live with his parents. *Phew!*" - sandman420
Meet GracieLOLiver. This girl stood out quickly on my twitter years ago because (not gunna lie) she's a nerdy blonde babe who games hardcore! She's been super sweet to me and has attended my live chats. <3
"I am/try to be funny :D and I love dancing! I guess you can say I'm outgoing." - GracieLOLiver
Meet Doc_Rogers. He has been a long time follower and has participated in my L337Dares! He sung me the Pokémon theme song for me via YouTube which made me happy. :)
"I am David Rogers, I am 25 years-old, an aspiring game developer, seasoned veteran gamer, and all around awesome." - Doc_Rogers
Meet soloshotfirst. I once met her at PAX East when she ran up to me and gifted me a hand sewn pink ticker plushie. She is a hardcore Gears fan, one of the nicest down to earth chicks and loves dinosaurs!
"I'm relatively normal; I keep to myself, kind of boring, a total nerd, sometimes confused, but prone to unexpected moments of awesome." - soloshotfirst
Meet cliath. (Capitalizing his alias is a no-no. Haha!) He's a sweet, funny guy who first met me at PAX 2007. He's mainly a PC gamer and has mad programming skills.
"I'm a competitive gamer, problem solver and as of recently a video game developer." - cliath
Meet BRIXBRI! She is one of the most kind humans who is very talented at art and makes me laugh out loud (I usually am a silent giggler) and she has a huge heart in helping rescue animals. She is a game developer by day, artist/gamer by night. I am proud to have her on one of my fingers as my most closet best friends and I hope she gets all the best of luck in life because she deserves it!